
Monday, April 11, 2011

Matzah Meat Cigars

This recipe is a modified version of a recipe from Matzah 101 It makes 40 small rolls, kind of like small "taquitos". It is a popular Middle Eastern dish. This takes some time, because you need prepare the matzha, brown the beef, assemble and bake. This recipe uses **Wetted Matzah** (see below for instructions)

1/2 tsp garlic powder 1C fresh parsley, finely chopped
1/2 tsp onion powder 1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt 1-2T crushed red hot pepper
1/4 tsp pepper 3T lemon juice
10 pieces Wetted Matzah (see below for instructions) 1tsp salt (or to taste)
2 lbs of lean ground beef
1 bay leaves, crushed
6-7 cloves of garlic, pressed

In a small mixing bowl combine first 4 ingredients and set aside. Gently butter both sides with soft butter. Cut 10 pieces of Wetted Matzah** into quarters (giving you small pieces). Set aside on parchment paper and prepare a greased baking sheet.

Brown the meat with the seasonings (All the remaining ingredients). Let cool enough to handle. Place about 1T of the meat mixture into each small matzah square and roll against the grain into a little log, placing the seem side down on the sheet and bake at 400F for 35 minutes. Enjoy!

**Wetted Matzah** This was a trick that I learned from the Matza 101 cookbook and it opens a world of fun in Matzah! :-) It creates a texture like an cooked Al-delta Lasagna Noodle texture when done right. I noticed, different brands/flavors, responded differently, so it takes a little "feeling it out". It doesn't take long to get the hang of. However, expect a little bit of a learning curve. :-) This is my version:

1. Cover counter top with heavy duty white paper towels.
2. Fill a shallow baking dish up with cool water. The dish needs to be large enough to fit a piece of Matzah while being held under the surface. I do not like to "dunk" more than 3 pieces at a time. I find it doesn't work well. I hold it under for about 20-30 seconds, but this may vary with your brand. (Wheat takes longer than the white. Streits absorbed quicker than Manaschewitz in flavors I tried.)
3. Place on paper towel and cover with damp paper towels. The books says it depends on the paper towels on how long that takes. It could take 15 minutes to 1 hour. You should check every 15 minutes. If you need more moisture, spray with a water bottle. (Maybe you need more time or didn't dunk them long enough to begin with.) If they are too moist, take paper towels off and let sit for about a half hour (watching them).

This recipes was modified from a cookbook called Matza 101

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