
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our Family Jots and Tittles

Hello Precious Friends and Family, We seem like we are operating in a perpetual place of "catch up" these last few weeks with the colds and things that have happened. Always find ourselves "still behind" so our attention has not been on blogging and updating things well. Its all we can do keep things rolling. So please bare with us. We do hope to get back into the swing of updating things better in this next week (or two). :-) Naomi had her 7th birthday! We had some sickness still in the house, so we still have our date at the museum to do...but we had a nice day at home. Naomi helped make all her requested birthday meals with Momma. She opened gifts from family and Papa out together a scavenger hunt for her and her siblings (which is always a hit!). Here is my littlest helper, helping Mamma do the laundry. Notice the tongue of intensity.
Mom and Elijah digging holes to plant the Orchard. We are missing picture of our other two helpers Papa and Shiloh. :-(

Wednesday our dear friends had a baby boy at home. I have been able to help (and will continue too) throughout this next week as momma takes the time to heal and recover. What a precious time!

Turkey Season is here and they are up close to the house with Shiloh gone. I do hope we take few shots and bring a few in! We hope to get some pictures of them. We have big ol' Toms strutting their stuff, puffing up and playing their "drums" for the ladies. It really is a beautiful thing to behold!!!

We had dear prancing and frolicking near for from our orchard. We had forgotten how brazen and close to the house they would get before Shiloh came! Instead of passing through, they hangout and play games like kids in the front yard! Again... a really neat thing to witness!

We have discovered termites in the house! We have someone coming to take a look in two days. :-(

I know I am forgetting so much!!! Again..please bear with us!

Loving Life and Embracing its Complexities in YHVH's Name!

The Tribe of Ben


  1. ohh how fun to be able to see turkeys....I love you little helper tonge haha to cute! The orchard looks like is well on the way! Get well Ben Tribe Family!

  2. I am glad I am not the only one who get behind, why does it feel so good knowing I'm not alone????

    Glad to hear your family is starting to feel better! We had a birthday last week too, my youngest son turned 10!

    Take care!!
    YHVH bless you and your family!!
