
Monday, June 13, 2011

Laundry on the Fringe

Hanging clothes on the line is my favorite chore. I like to do several loads in the morning when there is still shade over my line, because it is such a cool and pleasant time of spiritual reflection for me. The girls also like to help me and when they do, I enjoy it for different reasons. It moves quickly and they enjoy it and when you work side by side with your children - there is great joy in that! Sweet conversation are had in those moments. My little girls are too small to reach the line, so I put them to work handing me clips from the bag or sorting and handing me laundry from the basket. It is nice to put things on the line in the order of which we put them away. (Like grouping them by bedrooms and towels, etc.) So I will have them get me "all the boys clothes" or all the diapers and they like sorting through the things. The chore becomes a fun scavenger hunt. They also turn things right side out for me and match socks. Our team can make short work for 4 loads of laundry in the 'cool' of the summer morning. ( A good thing in a family of 8 that uses cloth diapers!) Since I found it more productive (and fun) for the girls to sort through the laundry than hand me clips, I just started filling my apron pockets with the clips from the bag for ease. However, today I didn't have apron on or pockets . Me and my 4 year old daughter came up with a fine solution, she would clips a row of them on the bottom of my shirt, and I would easily take them from their as I hung things. We had one more load to go and I let the girls decorate my whole shirt rim with the clips (knowing I would be using them as soon as I pulled the last load out of the washer). They thought that was a real blast. We all laughed and called them my Messianic Keeper at Home Tzit Tzit because it was a "fringe" all along the "four corners" of my garment and there was even "chords of blue". They were fun for all, stylish, obedient to YHVH and practical for my home keeping chores... Win - win - win! :-) (Tee hee)

YHVH spoke to Moses saying, "Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue on the tassel of each corner.And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of YHVH, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after.
Numbers 15: 37-39

1 comment:

  1. Love it! such a cute idea. I'm actually working on a clothspin bag for the ones I use on my wire clothes rack outside. I'll post about it soon. I so miss hanging clothes, one of my favs also growing up. so i take the occasion even if it is just outside the back door on my patio.
