
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Family Jots and Tittles - Pictures Sukkot 2011

We did not take many pictures this week. It is so hard for me to remember to take pictures when we are having so much fun! These pictures to do not do this week justice! We gathered for the Biblical Feast of Sukkot of the fall (Feast of Tabernacles) with friends at Montgomery Bell State Park. It was a wonderful of gathering of people! We got to spend time with lots of families we had known of, but never had the chance to spend time with. We worshiped together, gathered daily for Bible reading and discussion, played together, ate together and shared what we had with one another. The children had many friends to play with.

I am sure every one's list is different for their experience, but some of the highlights of our fellowship with others was:

  • Gathering around the campfire and eating meals with friends

  • Introducing new friends to old friends

  • Discussing Scripture

  • Spending time with our neighboring campers

  • Confirming that we were pregnant with our 7th precious child and announcing it

  • Watching THE BODY living together in harmony

  • Spending time with friends from far away that we had not seen since last Sukkot

  • Meeting and getting to know new people and hearing how Yah is working in their lives

  • When Dotty (our dog) was returned to us by a fellow camper, only minutes after we realized she was "missing" clear across the park!

  • Other Sabbath keepers quickly figured out that we were too, and came to say Hi. We also had fun talking with Jehovah's Witness and other folks that were not in our group that were quite curious about us always asking "What are you?" And "Are you Mennonites?". I always love that question! :-) We even had a few "outside" campers join us for our Bible study times and were very blessed. And there were two Christian families that were "friends of friends" who drove there daily and visited all week long and were a part of our midrash (Bible Study time). Most curious onlookers were friendly and had kind things to say, like "We really appreciate the modesty in the dress of your girls/ women. You just don't see that much these days." and "We can't help but notice how well all your children behave" Oh those are words that get Momma's through the rough spots in parenting! :-) The interaction in this very busy park between all people I think was a wonderful testimony to the quality and maturity of the believers gathered here for the Feast. I have been to many churches and Christian gatherings where I felt like a stranger. That should never be so amongst Yah's people!! HIS light should shine before man so brightly that they are attracted to it like a moth to the flame! And as that flame we should always be an OPEN flame ready to move!! That is what I witnessed in this group of believers and I think the rest of the camp did too! Halleluyah!

  • Our family bike riding through the park was sweet family time. This was the first we had been out together since the girls came home from Haiti 2 1/2 yrs ago. Now Naomi and Gideon can ride their own bikes (they learned this summer on the bumpy farm grass!). Pappa and I haul Eliana and Chazaq. Of course Hailey and Elijah are old pros. :-) With Pappa at the head and momma at the rear - we make quite the long little bike-train with the 8 of us!

  • This is a picture of Chazaq's first (kosher) s'more. The chocolate bar was clearly his favorite part. You can see evidence of the fresh burn on his right cheek from falling into the fire. Praise YHVH, it was not serious and He is healing very well.

    There was a pavilion which was a wonderful meeting place for the group to gather for meals and for worship and Bible Study.
    Of course, there can not be a Feast without least not with our group! :-)

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