
Friday, January 13, 2012

New Recipe Page!

I am so excited! (I get that way when I organize something!) I have FINALLY made a recipe page! At the top of my blog you will see tabs, one is marked Recipes. There you will find all of the recipes I have ever posted on the blog (I hope!). They are organized by catagory alphabetically. This should make it much easier to browse the recipes! I have been wanting to do this for so long. It was a big job, but now it is done! Iwill add all future recipes to the list as I post them, so it will be current from hear on out. I hope this blesses those who use them and maybe inspire some who don't.:-)


  1. WHOOOO HOOOOOO! I am so happy! Thank you Pamela ;0)

  2. Oh yay! I often use your search this blog button to find recipes so this will make it much easier thank you Pamela!! :) luv Donna. Hugs to you lovely lady!!!

  3. Way Cool!!!!!!!! Looks great, Thanks!
    Shabbat Shalom,

  4. Yeah! I am so glad it will help and be used!

  5. good for you Pamela, sometimes the small accomplishments feel like a very big accomplishment!
