
Monday, July 23, 2012

Rotten Tomatoes?

Here is a wonderful link to tomato disease report Iowa Extension done by Iowa State University an extension that has information about tomato diseases.  It describes the most common tomato diseases and gives pictures.  I have found it to be a wonderful tool to identify my tomato issue we had this year.  It does not offer the solution - but it helped me identify the problem.  Once I knew what it was, I could research the solution.  

Blossom End Rot seems to be our issue this year.  (Pictured to the left)

We are not sure if anything can be done for the plants already effected this year.  Some local friends just told us they pruned their infected fruit off and their plants seem to be producing uninfected fruit afterward, when they had it.  So we are hopeful..but unsure if we will have the same result.  We wonder if we should just clear the beds and plant something new fro the end of the season.  The causes are so varied it might be tricky to prevent next year, but at least now we are informed!  The "short of it", is that blossom rot occurs from a lack of calcium absorption to the plant.  Just like calcium absorption into our bodies, it is not simple a calcium supplement that is needed, rather the other factors need to be in place for the proper absorption of that is present to take place.  This is the first year we have ever had this issue and it is only in our Roma and Amish Paste varieties.  My Tomatilla and yellow pear tomatoes seem unaffected.  If anyone has wisdom, solutions or experience to share on this topic, please share it in the comments.

This post was shared at The Barn Hop


  1. I also had this this year. Seems to be very common. Mine wasn't too bad, just a small amount on the end. For me it was also just the Roma's. I researched and ended up grinding up egg shells and adding it to the soil. looks like the later ones are ok so far.

  2. I have no words of wisdom but this happened to me last year! I have a small garden but it was so sad not to get to put up any tomatoes. So I will also be checking back to see if anyone has tips. Mine this year are still green and I am praying to have a better outcome. I hope you can find a way to turn it around too.

  3. Hi Pamela,
    Blossom end rot is due to a calcium deficiency. If you spray your tomato plants with raw milk, it will help. We use 1/2 gallon raw milk to 3 gallons of water in a sprayer (we grow a lot of tomatoes) and spray the entire plant. You can even spray the ground around the plant so the roots will take the calcium up into the plant, too.

  4. I believe that epsom salt will also help with this...I'll need to ask Paul for sure. When you plant the tomato plants is good to sprinkle epsom salt down in the hole and then you can also sprinkle epsom salt around the plant during the growing season if you are having problems. I wonder if the chip/mulch contributed to the problem?

  5. We have it... and have had it before. Last year, in a different bed, all our romas got it. I don't think we harvested a one! This year it's on the Romas again, as well as another meatier variety we tried. Not on our Early Girls. So far we haven't had a single Roma. However, on the other variety, I'm noticing the rot happens an a few stems but not the others. I'm picking the bad ones off as soon as I see rot (while still green)and I am getting quite a few healthy ones! Was told to add egg shells to the soil, though I think I caught it all too late for that work. We will use egg shells around the roots next year!
