Besides jumping up on people for attention, which is also getting better; he has one really bad habit- Chasing cars! Thankfully we live on a dead-end country road, but there are three houses at the end of the road which bring traffic. We have a daily mail man, and weekly garbage truck, and occasional tourists, who seem to be driving the back roads to spot the Amish. We don't have a lot of traffic..but he will chase EVERY car that comes by. He acts like he is protecting the homestead. In a way its kind of cute....but NOT REALLY! He has gotten more brazen, not only chasing after cars, but he meets them right as they get in front of the house and runs IN FRONT of their front tires as he runs sideways, barking at them!! When he started this...our comments of "we've got to do something about this", turned to "order a shock collar NOW, because this dogs days are numbered!"
He is such a pleasant mild mannered dog, I really hated to put the zapper on him! However, we did last week. We had to watch the road and respond to cars passing, it wasn't convenient! But it was worth it with 2 very low power zaps (3 1/2 on a scale of 10) He stopped chasing cars completely! There is also a "beeper" on the color. It is just a little beeping alarm which you control by the push of a button on a remote control (just like the zap, but noise instead.) After the first 2 zaps, we started beeping him if he looked liked he was "revving up" for the chase, with a voice command of "leave it". That was enough to stop him. We are so thankful that he has responded so quickly to the training! We are watching him closely to be sure that he doesn't pick up his old habit again...if he does, we will do a little reminder training. We were willing to stick to this much longer than it actually we are very pleased at his quick willingness to obey.
My step-dad used to say "no pain no gain". This was a great example of that. I know it may not be politically correct to use a zap collar, but I believe it saved Shiloh's life! His instincts to chase that car where far stronger than his desire to obey our voice commands. We had to increase the level of discipline in this matter, for his own sake. He would not respond to lighter forms of teaching. Because we love him and as his "masters" we are responsible for his well being. What a blessing this "hard" training has been! It has also allowed him the freedom to be the king of his farm - hunting and frolicking about as he pleases, without having to be chained or caged for his safety. He plays freely with kids and Dot, and follows us as we work outside. He sits on our porch like a proud pup waiting for us to come home when we go away. Our little protector and will still bark and give passers by "the look", so they know this is HIS family. But now, he doesn't compromise his own well being in the process.
It is just like YHVH/Yahshua teaches us through His precepts...If we can discipline ourselves to live according to the Master's rules...we have great freedoms to explore and be who we were made to be! Some people may call this sort of training bondage or inhumane because they believe life is to be lived without any "restrictions", and pain is to be avoided at all costs. However, we understand His rules and Him to actually be a loving master who is guiding and protecting us from our own instincts to run head first into self destruction!
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