Welcome to Home Shalom!

Welcome to Home Shalom and Shalom Farm. We pray your visit here be blessed. We are learning to walk in the Ways (Torah) of our Father YHWH and follow Y'shua, His Messiah until He returns to "set things straight". We call it a "Messi-Life". Our walk is neither tidy nor perfect, but it is filled with passion, devotion and desire to serve our King. We are learning to be humble servants, and to be good stewards of the things that He has entrusted to us: His Word, our marriage, our children, our family, our community, our health, and our farm. Hitch your horse and stay a while--our door is always open!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Messiah: Prophecy Fulfilled, by Nick Mancuso

This FILM is delightfully refreshing as it is woven with prophecy connections showing our Messiah's (Jesus/Yahshua) Divine fulfillment of one of Yahweh's Appointed Times. The focus is on seeing Messiah in Passover. It is just a glimpse into this precious Appointed Time - but so wonderfully done!

It is the story of the Disciple/Talmudine Judah, as he returns home one year after the crucifixion of Yahshua for it's anniversary feast; the Passover. His family struggles with the fact that he follows the Messiah they are concerned that Yahshua was a false profit and their son/brother is deceived. However, Judah's faith and testimony of what He witnessed as Yahshua's disciple/talmudine... It is electric! He shares how he has come to understand how the Messiah is revealed throughout the Passover meal. This same thing is repeated in homes of believers who keep Yahweh's blessed Holy Appointed Times as Yahweh has told us to do until the end of time.

It is a wonderful tool to share with Christian friends and family who don't understand how the Appointed Times are for BELIEVERS, not simply "Jewish feasts" that don't apply to us. It portrays the Sovereign Richness of how Yahweh and Yahshua have told us how to remember and celebrate the precious gift of The Savior. The whole "Easter bunny, egg laying rabbit, ham eating, egg dying traditions" that the Christian Church has blindly adopted from the Catholic traditions of Constantine can't even come close to how the NT church lived and celebrated our LORD. This is how our family chooses to celebrate HIS PRECIOUS GIFT TO US...the way HE told us too...the way the Early Church did, the way Yahshua really taught.

This film is hard to find, because it's not being produced anymore. It is a wonderful item to have in your family library. If your can swing it in your budget...don't hesitate get this film!

A Personal note: We have decided that IF following Yahshua as the Scriptures teach us to, means that we have to loose the religious system we were once a part of, we will do it with great thanksgiving in our hearts knowing that - that is exactly what Yahshua and His disciples did...so we are in good company. His ways are higher than ours. We want to be the "called out" ones (ecclesia in Greek, it is one of the names for the New Testament Church in Scripture, the followers of "The Way" of Yahshua, showing us how to live out "Pure Torah"). The "remnant", that strives to live out the Scriptures as best we can, without the added doctrines of man that cloud the magnificence of His Sovereign plan. We want to live like the Bereans who test everything against the Holy Scriptures to determine it's validity. It is not the popular way...it is the narrow way.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Hey there! Thanks for sharing these great resources. Hey, what happened to the entry about Greek Jesus/Hebrew Yeshua..I'm not seeing it on your blog. We spent part of Sabbath watching Nehemiah Gordon's teaching...wow...amazing...really further explains so much. We'd like to get the book. We were also able to watch the Messiah movie on google videos.

Hope you all are well.