Welcome to Home Shalom!

Welcome to Home Shalom and Shalom Farm. We pray your visit here be blessed. We are learning to walk in the Ways (Torah) of our Father YHWH and follow Y'shua, His Messiah until He returns to "set things straight". We call it a "Messi-Life". Our walk is neither tidy nor perfect, but it is filled with passion, devotion and desire to serve our King. We are learning to be humble servants, and to be good stewards of the things that He has entrusted to us: His Word, our marriage, our children, our family, our community, our health, and our farm. Hitch your horse and stay a while--our door is always open!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Bug Experiment

As a parent it is such a privilege and a blessing to watch my kids grow. Taking the time to invest ourselves in them and watch them not only brings my heart much joy, but it also gives back to the child in so many ways. I can see how differently they are wired, how they respond to the things put before them, what motivates them and how they process things. As their teacher, this is a very valuable thing, because the weight of the that responsibility can sometimes be daunting...these things are like little nuggets that God sends my way to help me see how I can better teach them.Ever since the children were little we would love to spend time outside, for me it was a place of rest and rejuvenation. For them the same, but even more so a place of exploration and discovery. This hobby (the love of the out doors) has brought us in contact with many bugs over the years, and have resulted in the following observations:

Picture each child, at the age of 2 coming upon a bug during play time -

H would not even notice the bug. She would be far to busy having fun, looking at the bigger picture. She would see an opportunity across the yard like a swing or slide and smash the bug running or skipping on the way to that which was much more attractive. I have seen her smear bugs under her bum on her way down the slide, not noticing it was there, because she was too busy thinking about running around and doing it again! I don't think H even knew there were such things as bugs until she was about 3 when her little brother would call her over to check out the bug he found. Even at that time, she was very supportive and encouraged him in his discoveries. She thought it was wonderful, and knew she could always have him to find bugs for her if she wanted one, so there was little sense in doing it herself, there were far too many adventures to be had. She would however, help him out by giving him great ideas about what he could do with that bug. (running to get him a container or magnified glass or to get mom.) She is now 10 and not much has changed.

E brought bugs into our family culture. He started walking at 9 months and that is when you would often find him crouched over a little creature observing it. Even then he would focus intently on the behavior and actions of that creature. He wouldn't mess with it, instead he would study it and follow it. E could spot a bug from across the room. We were forever stopping in public places for him to inquire as to the happenings of a bug. This is something we would have to watch because he would be oblivious to an oncoming cart, bike, person or truck! (It was just him and that bug!) About a year or two ago, he proclaimed that he knew what he is gonna be; a Museum Curator. He is going to have a Creation Museum and collect things from all over the world. So he has started his collection and loves to identify and research them. He loves to read science books, and magazines. He can rattle off all kinds of obscure facts about this or that. He is now almost 8, and his observations and collections are not exclusive to bugs, however it still includes them. He has designed and built traps for an assortment of critters. He loves to watch and draw birds, and his favorite way to "do science' is by observing something in nature. (Although he won't refuse a good book!)

G: At two years old, his nature too, has been revealed buy the common bug. When G comes upon a bug his first instinct to take dominion over it. In other words, he must pick it up, then he must do things to it to see how it responds. He will show it off, squash it, pick it apart, put it on his arm and watch it scurry across his own body, squeeze it or put it in a new environment and watch what happens (like a pond, or a fire, or send it down the slide, or throw it). Yesterday morning, he found a bug in the play room ran into me to show me his prize, while spreading it's wings and flicking it's legs, then he took it into his bedroom and put it in his crib. Was he thinking it would be a fun nap-time project later?? Or perhaps the bug looked sleepy? I wonder. Today he carried a bug around showing it to everyone, fiddled with it in every way imaginable, including sitting on it and laying on it (then checking to see what happened to it.) These behaviors are a fine example of how G handles his world. He is very physical and passionate about the things which he undertakes. He is constantly pushing things to see what happens, what the response will be, a real cause and effect kind of kid. He seems to be an ask questions-later kind of guy.

I have realized that this bug experiament mirrors how each of them approach life, it reveals very much how they each see things. I've got the best job in the world, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

I am eager to observe what my "bug experiment" reveals with A and K when they come home from Haiti. :-)

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