Welcome to Home Shalom!

Welcome to Home Shalom and Shalom Farm. We pray your visit here be blessed. We are learning to walk in the Ways (Torah) of our Father YHWH and follow Y'shua, His Messiah until He returns to "set things straight". We call it a "Messi-Life". Our walk is neither tidy nor perfect, but it is filled with passion, devotion and desire to serve our King. We are learning to be humble servants, and to be good stewards of the things that He has entrusted to us: His Word, our marriage, our children, our family, our community, our health, and our farm. Hitch your horse and stay a while--our door is always open!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ministries in Israel

This is a couple we met a couple weeks ago in KY; George and Rivka Whitten. They live in Israel. They are believers, and their heart is to reach the Israeli people. They do many things in their Mission, but one that you can reap the benefits from is that He collects news from the region and posts it for we in the West. He explained that the news we get here about Israel is so often propagandized, and twisted. We miss so many important things, and the things we do get "news of" are so often colored in a differnt light for the sake of politics. That is what motivated Him to do this. They want Believers in the West to know the truth about what is going on in the Holyland. He also highlights news that is important to the Body from the US papers and England all over the world. Things about persecuted believers and so on, thins that we never see here. Here is His site, you can get a newsletter from them too. http://www.worthynews.com/

She has a BEAUTIFUL voice and has just released a CD that is being well received in Israel. It is all in Hebrew. For every CD sold, 5 are given to Israeli's.

Israel is a VERY hard place to share about Yahshua, but they are committed and I believe anointed for the job. Family, ISRAEL is where Yahshua will return!! He is calling His people's hearts back to the land as He prepares us for His return. Scripture tells us ALL THROUGHOUT IT - that THIS IS THE PLACE He has set apart. We must not take this lightly and pray what it is that YHVH (God) should have us do to/for/in this place.

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