I get so excited about the fall feasts! All YHVH’s feasts are wonderful and have such special meaning it is very hard to pick a favorite. However, we like to camp the whole week of Sukkot, which adds an extra special adventure to the holiday. The “doing” is such an active way to “remember”. It is also a wonderful week of object lessons as YHVH instills the truth in our hearts, that there will be a greater Exodus one day for His people. I am also reminded of the hard times that must be endured by His Chosen. In addition to studying the Scriptures, worship and prayer, we fellowship with others when we have the chance, we try to hone our survival skills, learning how to cook on the fire, hunt, brave the weather, do more with less, and learn about foraging in the wild. There is so much one could learn! This is one of the practical ways we prepare for our Mashiach’s return whether it be in our generation, or it be in the generations to come, we are teaching our children to do the same with their children and children’s children until YHVH brings His Fall Feasts into their fullness. My intent is to reflect a small amount of that here in the season’s edition of Sarah’s Tent. May you walk even closer than ever before with YHVH in this next season! Baruch Ha Shem YHVH!
Campfire Cooking:
Meat Hash

1-2C of leftover cooked meat crumbled or diced (burgers, hot dogs, chicken, tuna, pot roast, lunchmeat, anything),
4 potatoes, diced (or shredded)
1 onion, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste (garlic, onion salt and other seasonings also taste very good!)
Butter or oil for frying
Fry potatoes in frying pan with some oil or butter until almost tender (on a grill, open fire or hot coals).
Add onions and meat and seasoning, cook until browned.
Good for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Especially tasty if topped with eggs over-light! Also very good if you add cheese or if you add diced veggies. This is also another great use for leftover baked potatoes. (It cooks in half the time!)
Fire Roasted Corn
This is m
y favorite way to eat fresh corn on the cob!
Get as many ears of corn as you need.
Shuck the corn by pealing back the outer leaves carefully because you are going to leave them intact. You go around the peeling one or two at a time because YHVH has laid them like the petals of a flower, follow His pattern. Remove all the silks and cut any rot away if needed. Carefully fold the husks back in place in reverse order, than put into a bucket full of cool water. (5 Gallon bucket or wash tub works great) Let soak in water for at least a ½ hour to an hour (longer is better). Get your fire started, be it gas, wood or charcoal. Lay your wet corn on the rack above your *cooking fire. Turn every 10-15 minutes. It will be done in a ½ hour to 45 minutes. Some of your husks will burn, that is OK. This method steams the corn while protecting it from the dry heat of the fire and there is a unique smoky-campfire flavor from the husks drying around the corn that makes it outstandingly delicious! The husks also keep the corn warm until you are ready to unwrap it and eat it (unlike boiled corn on the cob). Butter and salt to taste when served. They are hot to unwrap, so help the little ones. The husks make a nice “eating handle” and later, great kindling for the next fire after they have dried out again. Since you are outside, there is no need to fuss about the mess! Enjoy!
* Wood Fire cooking tip
A wood fire is best for cooking when it has been made hot but the flames are allowed to subside; when the flames are not licking your cookware or food. It provides a more even consistent heat. Kind of like a charcoal fire, that you want the briquettes to burn through and turn gray first, than they are ready to cook with. The same is true with wood, when the wood has turned to burning embers, you will get your best cooking heat. (Than you can always stoke up the flames again for heat as the evening gets cooler the kosher marshmallows come out.)
Burger Soup

1-2C of leftover cooked meat crumbled or diced (burgers, hot dogs, chicken, tuna, pot roast, lunchmeat, anything),
4 potatoes, diced (or shredded)
1 onion, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste (garlic, onion salt and other seasonings also taste very good!)
Butter or oil for frying
Fry potatoes in frying pan with some oil or butter until almost tender (on a grill, open fire or hot coals).
Add onions and meat and seasoning, cook until browned.
Good for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Especially tasty if topped with eggs over-light! Also very good if you add cheese or if you add diced veggies. This is also another great use for leftover baked potatoes. (It cooks in half the time!)
Fire Roasted Corn
This is m

Get as many ears of corn as you need.
Shuck the corn by pealing back the outer leaves carefully because you are going to leave them intact. You go around the peeling one or two at a time because YHVH has laid them like the petals of a flower, follow His pattern. Remove all the silks and cut any rot away if needed. Carefully fold the husks back in place in reverse order, than put into a bucket full of cool water. (5 Gallon bucket or wash tub works great) Let soak in water for at least a ½ hour to an hour (longer is better). Get your fire started, be it gas, wood or charcoal. Lay your wet corn on the rack above your *cooking fire. Turn every 10-15 minutes. It will be done in a ½ hour to 45 minutes. Some of your husks will burn, that is OK. This method steams the corn while protecting it from the dry heat of the fire and there is a unique smoky-campfire flavor from the husks drying around the corn that makes it outstandingly delicious! The husks also keep the corn warm until you are ready to unwrap it and eat it (unlike boiled corn on the cob). Butter and salt to taste when served. They are hot to unwrap, so help the little ones. The husks make a nice “eating handle” and later, great kindling for the next fire after they have dried out again. Since you are outside, there is no need to fuss about the mess! Enjoy!
* Wood Fire cooking tip
A wood fire is best for cooking when it has been made hot but the flames are allowed to subside; when the flames are not licking your cookware or food. It provides a more even consistent heat. Kind of like a charcoal fire, that you want the briquettes to burn through and turn gray first, than they are ready to cook with. The same is true with wood, when the wood has turned to burning embers, you will get your best cooking heat. (Than you can always stoke up the flames again for heat as the evening gets cooler the kosher marshmallows come out.)
Burger Soup

bring something to throw in the pot! Visit while it simmers on the fire and enjoy it together.
1lb Ground beef
Large onion, chopped
Butter or oil
Celery, chopped (optional)
• Brown all these items together in a Dutch oven or pot.
• Add remain ingredients and simmer until cooked through.
Tomato Juice (or tomato soup or tomato sauce or diced tomatoes or V8)
Broth (Beef, Chicken, Vegetable or bullion/dry soup mix with water)
Veggies of choice (The sky is the limit here, just keep in mind cooking times for raw carrots and potatoes take longer and may need to go in first while you add peas or zucchini toward the end)
1T Onion Powder
1tsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
*Cabbage is very tasty. Rice, pasta, couscous, orzo, barley are nice additions. Hotdogs or (non-pork) sausages are very good. Beans are also good. Spike is also a WONDERFUL all purpose camp seasoning that makes this soup very tasty. (You can use it in place of the seasonings listed above or add a smaller amount to it, season to taste.)
Dutch Oven Temperature Tips:
You can treat your Dutch oven like a pot or skillet on your stove or fire, or you can use it like an oven. Below is a handy chart which shows you how to reach specific temperatures so that you can bake any recipe you have in your Dutch oven outside.
Preheating Tips If you are using a wood fire, prepare your fire 30-45 minutes before you start cooking. If you are using coals prep your coals 10-20 minutes ahead. It is always best to preheat the oven itself before putting food in for temperatures/time sensitive dishes (like breads). Each briquette adds about 10-13 degrees to your oven. Fresh briquettes will give you about one hour of cooking time. (Keep that in mind if you need to preheat another set for something that takes longer than an hour to cook.)
Avoiding Small Hot Spots To avoid hot spots in your oven, place your bottom briquettes in a circular pattern 1/2” inside the edge. On the lid, use an even checkerboard pattern. Also, if you are baking breads, cakes or more delicate items, it is recommended, to rotate your oven one quarter turn every 10-15 minutes and turning the lid one quarter turn in the opposite direction.
Cast Iron Dutch Oven Baking Temperature Chart
Dutch Oven Sizes = the diameter of the pot in inches
1lb Ground beef
Large onion, chopped
Butter or oil
Celery, chopped (optional)
• Brown all these items together in a Dutch oven or pot.
• Add remain ingredients and simmer until cooked through.
Tomato Juice (or tomato soup or tomato sauce or diced tomatoes or V8)
Broth (Beef, Chicken, Vegetable or bullion/dry soup mix with water)
Veggies of choice (The sky is the limit here, just keep in mind cooking times for raw carrots and potatoes take longer and may need to go in first while you add peas or zucchini toward the end)
1T Onion Powder
1tsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
*Cabbage is very tasty. Rice, pasta, couscous, orzo, barley are nice additions. Hotdogs or (non-pork) sausages are very good. Beans are also good. Spike is also a WONDERFUL all purpose camp seasoning that makes this soup very tasty. (You can use it in place of the seasonings listed above or add a smaller amount to it, season to taste.)
Dutch Oven Temperature Tips:
You can treat your Dutch oven like a pot or skillet on your stove or fire, or you can use it like an oven. Below is a handy chart which shows you how to reach specific temperatures so that you can bake any recipe you have in your Dutch oven outside.
Preheating Tips If you are using a wood fire, prepare your fire 30-45 minutes before you start cooking. If you are using coals prep your coals 10-20 minutes ahead. It is always best to preheat the oven itself before putting food in for temperatures/time sensitive dishes (like breads). Each briquette adds about 10-13 degrees to your oven. Fresh briquettes will give you about one hour of cooking time. (Keep that in mind if you need to preheat another set for something that takes longer than an hour to cook.)
Avoiding Small Hot Spots To avoid hot spots in your oven, place your bottom briquettes in a circular pattern 1/2” inside the edge. On the lid, use an even checkerboard pattern. Also, if you are baking breads, cakes or more delicate items, it is recommended, to rotate your oven one quarter turn every 10-15 minutes and turning the lid one quarter turn in the opposite direction.
Cast Iron Dutch Oven Baking Temperature Chart
Dutch Oven Sizes = the diameter of the pot in inches
I could not paste the chart effectivly here for some reason. My blog will not allow the table to oast. So go to Sarah's Tent for the chart.
Most pots have a number right on them. If you are using a deep Dutch oven (5”+) add an extra 2-4 coals to the lid.
Here is the formula for a moderate oven temp of 350 degrees: Take the size of your Dutch oven (diameter in inches) x 2. Then divide that number by 3. Put 1/3 of the coals under the Dutch oven and 2/3 on the lid.
Choosing a Dutch Oven Any new Dutch oven will have seasoning, cleaning and storing instructions with it, so I am going to skip that. But take note when choosing a Dutch oven as to it’s style. There are two basic styles of ovens, what I call inside or outside styles. If you plan to use your Dutch oven primarily outside (like described above) you want to get the kind that has rims on a flat lid and drop wire handle for the pot in addition the lid handle. This will allow you safely and effectively work with your oven using a tripod, on the coals or embers. However they are not handy to use on a stove or in an oven because of the legs. It can be done but it takes some creativity and can be dangerous if it is not stabilized properly. (A cookie sheet works well for the oven.) An “inside” Dutch oven looks more like your other kitchen pots, and are wonderful to have, but do not have feet, instead they have a flat bottom. It rarely has the loop handle or the lid, instead it has the side handle like most kitchen pots. The lid is tapered down with no rim to hold coals or embers. There is a difference. You could use an “inside” Dutch oven at camp, but you may need the aid of a short stand (sold by most iron dealers) to set it on to stabilize it and arrange your coals and you will need to fiddle with the top coals a lot more, it may not hold as many as you need, and it makes turning your pot a real challenge. You also will not be able to hang it from a tripod unless you rig something to the side handles – but again you need to keep stability in mind with a very hot and heavy pot. You can however us it n the tripod for soups and stews, if you have the hanging rack. However, it is hard to put in and take out and to get the lid off for stirring, because of the way the support chains hang around the rack. (Again, thinking of stability.) So think of how you will use your Dutch oven(s) when you make your choice and you will be able to hand it down to your kids one day, (along with great cooking wisdom and recipes) because it will last a lifetime.
Foraging: Good field guides are your best friend in this venture! I look for guides that are handy to carry (not too big), have colorful detailed pictures and handy keys for easy reference while in the field. Peterson Field Guides have been a favorite of mine for those reasons. They have one for just about everything, but consider their guides for Mushrooms, Edible Plants and Medicinal Wild Plants. http://www.houghtonmifflinbooks.com/peterson/plants.cfm (Amazon.com will have them cheaper and you can also peak inside!)
Plants, herbs and fruits can be toxic, please don’t experiment without a guide of some sort, it is not worth the risk to you and your family’s safety!
Herbal Wound Care:
Plantain, you have all seen it. No, not the banana, I am talking the herb which most people see as a weed, it’s everywhere in the US!
It is a wonder-plant for drawing out infections, burns, and itch from all manner of injuries, swelling, insect bites and scratches when you are out in nature. You simply take the leaves, crush them (you can chew them if you need to) and apply to the affected area as soon as possible like a poultice. If you can wrap something around plantain which is placed on the wound, it holds the plantain in place (like a cloth, or bandage) that is ideal.
Jewelweed is another plant used for skin issues, especially poison ivy and poison oak and stinging nettle. When you are out in the field and find you have been exposed to one these unpleasant plants you can reach for the jewelweed plant and slice the stem, then rub its juicy inside on exposed parts. This will promptly ease irritation and usually prevents breakout for most people. Jewelweed can be best found in shady areas, wooded areas or river banks.

It is a wonder-plant for drawing out infections, burns, and itch from all manner of injuries, swelling, insect bites and scratches when you are out in nature. You simply take the leaves, crush them (you can chew them if you need to) and apply to the affected area as soon as possible like a poultice. If you can wrap something around plantain which is placed on the wound, it holds the plantain in place (like a cloth, or bandage) that is ideal.

Clean Water: (No electric or plumbing in, can even filter pond water!)
Dehydrating Emergency Food: http://www.excaliburdehydrator.com/ This is an investment, but this unit is a cut above the rest! I love mine! Get their dehydrating book, it is the most comprehensive dehydrating how-to book out there! Sukkot is a wonderful opportunity to experiment with using dehydrated foods! They are light, take up little space, no refrigeration and all your messy cutting, slicing and washing is already done. Almost ANYTHING, can be dehydrated.
Getting in the mood: A few of my favorite movies to get me in the mood for Sukkot (before we go) are Ushpizin! , Defiance, The Island on Bird Street (Please prescreen these films, they are mature in content and not for your youngest viewers!).
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