Welcome to Home Shalom!

Welcome to Home Shalom and Shalom Farm. We pray your visit here be blessed. We are learning to walk in the Ways (Torah) of our Father YHWH and follow Y'shua, His Messiah until He returns to "set things straight". We call it a "Messi-Life". Our walk is neither tidy nor perfect, but it is filled with passion, devotion and desire to serve our King. We are learning to be humble servants, and to be good stewards of the things that He has entrusted to us: His Word, our marriage, our children, our family, our community, our health, and our farm. Hitch your horse and stay a while--our door is always open!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Blogging Goal for 2011

My Blogging goal for 2011 is to continue blogging (and administrating at Messianic Keepers at Home) and staying connected with people online without sacrificing the attention and connection that my husband and children need from me.

I absolutely love blogging. I know I am not the best blogger, there are so many ladies out there who are way more talented than I am. (Not to mention they type, spell and edit things way better than me!) That is not it at all. I love the friends I have made and the opportunity to help people in small ways. The "administrator" in me loves the keyboard and the organization and the "projects" and the ideas always racing through my head. The creative side of me loves to express myself and the pastoral side of me LOVES working together with the amazing women of Yah whom I have been so blessed to know in these last couple of years online and in person! It really has been rich, and I pray it does not end, rather that our relationships grow and deepen! However, my passion for things, can easily get the best of me. I go full speed ahead with little regard of my own limitations, but most importantly (and shamefully) with little regard for the limitations of those whom I love, whom live with me and who depend on me. I am the only wife and mommy (I pray) they will ever have! That job is one no one else can do...and it is so very important that it is done well and to the glory of YHVH, because this is HIS FAMILY that I have been given! In the past year, I have had many afternoons or mornings, when my precious wee ones have had to compete for their momma's attention and my husband has also been patient a few times more than he should while I click away to my hearts content! For this, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) has grieved my spirit and and convicted me. I do believe my family is my first ministry, and second love after YHVH, yet (although they have never said so) sometimes I fear that it may not seem like it with my mind "online". So I thought this little confession and reminder in my side bar this year - would help me to keep my priorities on target - all through the seasons, as I purpose myself to limit my time on the computer and see to it no child (or husband) is left feeling they have to compete for momma's mind or heart. To whom much is given much is expected (Luke 12:48) and I am a woman who is richly blessed by my husband and children and who needs to regularly submit her "ideas and projects and aspirations" as a lesser priority than that of serving my family. I am also richly blessed with friends, and I know that you understand our call. I just needed to let it flow from my heart to my hands and let it be a warning to my own flesh staring at me on the side bar of my blog- lest I be tempted to slip back into "rearranging" the proper order of things again. :-)

In Humble Adoration,


Anonymous said...

Dear Pamela, I can so relate to what you are saying. I too have had to adjust my priorities at times as well. Mine are almost 16 and 15. We are on our last leg of homeschooling and getting ready for high education. Knowing that my time with them is getting shorter, I want to spend what I can with them. As homeschooling moms, our times with our children are precious whatever age they are. Thank you for the reminder to stick to what Yah believes is important.

Andi said...

So true, I have sometimes felt the same way, trying to be a light to whole world, forgetting the one at home....could I share your button...or link to as a reminder for me as well....thank you and much love!

MommySetFree said...

Absolutly Andi! Much Love, p

Enid said...


I so hear your shout...this is what is on me all the time. But I am also blessed of what I have learn from you in all you have share online. May the Lord keep you trough each stept, as always!


Heidi said...

Amen and Amen!

Traci said...

Your post is a lovely reminder of where our priorities must be. I have only recently really began to enjoy the creativity involved in blogging and have found that it easily can take much time as you seek to sort your thoughts in print.

Be blessed in your efforts to bless others.