As we learn to simplify and live our lives for Yah (God) and walk in His ways...He often convicts us in the area of modesty. Especially those of us who truly needed that message more than others! I am ashamed to say, I was one of those people. When YHVH (God) put this topic on my heart and started showing me my own issues in the matter, it was hard.....but I am so thankful He has!! There is SO much more to this topic than simply "what you wear" or fitting some sort of "image"... goes much deeper than that. It reaches into our motives, our insecurities, our desires to be accepted, our needs for approval, our pride and even our desires to be desired. As women of The Word, we let go of all those things which we once saw as "rights" and we consider others as more precious than ourselves. We consider Yah's reputation more important than our "rights". We learn to trade desires for fashion, shopping, and keeping up with trends for honoring and guarding ourselves and others through a conscious choice to cloth ourselves in modesty. We learn instead of spending money on these things, to spend money in areas of service and ministry to better the lives of those around us. Instead of desiring jewelry and labels to decorate ourselves, we spend time cultivating the fruits of the Spirit which (we pray) adorn us and sparkle brighter than any diamonds or rubies ever could. Instead of surrounding ourselves with shoes and purses, we choose to surround ourselves with children and/or good works of service to bless others. Instead of pursuing past times that (everyone else does - that) may cause us to compromise our modesty, we choose those things which glorify The King of Kings. Some people may look at us and call us "simple" in a bad way..but we know deep down in our spirits, that The Father brought us here to THIS kind of 'simple' for a purpose. We realize it is a precious and beautiful act worship and that it is so small in the grand picture of things...yet - so big!
I just came accross this video and thought it was a wonderful teaching on the topic. It runs 26 minutes.
In Him,
This post was shared at
Simple Thursdays
woo hooo 26 minutes is awsome, I just wish!! Still traying to get my anckles stronger and loose so much weight.
One of the many things that resinates with me about this video is the comment the older man made to the speaker about women of his day vrs women of our day. It went something like this: The young women of his day used to blushed when they were asahamed, but the young women of today are ashamed to blush!!!
Oh that hit me hard...because I used to be that young women who was ashamed to blush and YHVH has restored to a place where now I blush again. Halleluyah! Thank you Father that you restore the years lost to the locusts when we set our eyes upon YOU!
Miss Pamela~
I watched this video and thought it was wonderful and encouraging to me, to us! I especially liked the part where he said that Father's are to guide or get involved with their daughters choices of clothing. I believe if more Fathers did this that there would be less of a modesty problem in the Assembly of Yahweh.
Thanks for sharing such a valuable message.
Love in Messiah,
AbbiYah and YahChanna
p.s. could you have Hailey post this video on TKM? Thanks
Great post! We will watch the video while we eat lunch today, can't wait!
Thank you for sharing this, Pamela!
AMEN! This was worth sitting through and carries so many 'topic's with it! The blushing statement got me too, and the one about the president and the woman dressed. Thank you for sharing.
AbiYah and YahChanna,
Sure we will try to get it over on TKM by next week.
Love you girls!
Thank you for sharing this video. It carries such an important message. I do wish that the speaker would have chosen to talk from a sitting area and not the corner of the bed.
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