Welcome to Home Shalom!

Welcome to Home Shalom and Shalom Farm. We pray your visit here be blessed. We are learning to walk in the Ways (Torah) of our Father YHWH and follow Y'shua, His Messiah until He returns to "set things straight". We call it a "Messi-Life". Our walk is neither tidy nor perfect, but it is filled with passion, devotion and desire to serve our King. We are learning to be humble servants, and to be good stewards of the things that He has entrusted to us: His Word, our marriage, our children, our family, our community, our health, and our farm. Hitch your horse and stay a while--our door is always open!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Becoming an Over-comer in Messiah

This week many friends have shared struggles which they are going through. It pains me to see it, but that is what this world has to offer. Our King offers so much more, and one day we will experience it in it's glory. Until than, He has given us all we need to live an abundant life, even in this crazy world. He has given us the fruits of the earth to live off of, the animals and fish of the sea to rule over, and one another and His Holy Spirit as comforters and comrades. We mostly loos sight of all the great things He has given us. We must also stand in His provision with admiration and thanksgiving..even when times are bad. Here are a few practical things that HE has helped me see over the years as HE has made me into an over-comer in Messiah, no matter the trial!

  • If you are HIS: the battle is HIS, let Him take care of it as you press into His Word, and walk closer in His Spirit each day.
  • Forgive and accept forgiveness, lay it at Yah's feet and walk away. (As many times as it surfaces!)
  • Guard your heart and do not allow it to become hardened by the trial. Speak into it Words of encouragement and Love, speak into it the promises of Scripture.
  • Sometimes space is needed, but at the same time we need to be open to how God may have you interact with them. (Learn to discern the difference and be ready to be used.)
  • When those feelings of frustration, deception and division creep in, stop them with worship and prayer.
  • If you are in the middle of other people and you are being attacked, excuse yourself and go the restroom and praise Him in prayer and take your stand for Him and ask Him to use you in it.
  • As soon as possible, find Scripture that speaks to your Spirit and brings HIS shalom in what ever your struggle is, remember it is THE LIVING WORD. It's purpose is to glorify HIM and transform us. Write it out on a slip a paper or index card and keep it on you at all times. You can slip it out and meditate on it, in times of "attack" or weakness. Do this until it is memorized and written on your heart. This is helpful when the attack comes from your own mind or from the outside. (A Topical Bible; Biblegateway.com; Crosswalk.com, or Instructions in Righteousness, by Doorposts, are helpful search tools for finding what Scriptures says about something specific.)
  • Keep communication and prayer alive with your spouse. It is the second most important relationship we have (after Yah).
  • If you are blessed to have someone you can confide in, go to them for prayer and accountability. This is not necessary, but a wonderful thing if you have it. Stay away from talking about it with those who are not strong in the LORD or who will encourage unbibilical solutions.
  • Serve. Don't busy yourself so much that you can't process things above, but allow yourself to serve others. This helps us not to dwell on our trial and create a pity party of dispare. There is much healing in the place of demonstrating love for others. It helps us keep things in their proper Biblical perspective.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (NASB)

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