We are developing a little family store through Amazon. This is the first step (in many) of creating income that we will use to further the vision that YHVH (God) has put in us for ministry. What is that vision? (In a nut shell...) It is that our farm be a simple place where His people could come to find rest, refuge, resetting and encouragement. So whether they come to stay for a weekend, a week or a season...we want to provide a (FREE) place (or places). We are developing products (Herbal Salves, Remedies, teas and culinary herb and spice mixes to start)that we will make right here on the farm (and we are also going to sell other's products, homestead supplies, faith building resources and family supplies) in a "General Store" here on the farm and online...but for now...we have gathered some things in a little Amazon store that we believe are family enriching resources in the hopes to "prime the pump a little". By purchasing things through our store, it is the same great Amazon service and prices, but we get a small referral for having sent you there. Anything we earn through these Amazon referral purchases will be saved to build our first cottage/cabin on the farm to serve people.
We will be adding items and reviews of those items regularly. If you like this idea, please browse our store to get an idea of what we are caring now and what we hope to add later.
If there is anything you would like to purchase through our store at Amazon which is not listed. PLEASE contact us at Home Shalom and we can pot your item in the store to be purchased.
The store can be found any time up in the tabs at the top of this blog or you can click this link to go there directly and put it in your favorites. :-)
This post was shared at Simple Lives
This is such a great idea! My daughter and I have been trying to get something going now for a while, but with all of the moving around it has made it near impossible.
Shalom Shalom,
I am so excited for this!! I will be a customer for sure! What a great idea. May yah bless your business.
Wonderful! We'll be shopping with you :) Looking forward to Family Week together! We are headed your way shortly! Praise Yah!
I love the vision, Pamela. This really is the way Abba seems to be calling His people. So happy for your vision to be coming to pass!
I have just found your blog and am looking forward to following how your precious family is "walking the walk" ") What a blessing and encouragement! Blessings to you ")
Welcome Lisa and I just found you for the first time at Thousand Hills too! :-) Blessings, pamela
I can't wait for your homemade things, I would LOVE some of your herbal creations and mixes.
Thanks so much Abbey! That is so encourageing! It is a work in progress as I am trying to figure our packaging and labeling. Then i need to figure out pricing. There is So much going on (and will continue into the Spring) that I can't say when that will happen...but it is a goal. i am also finally planting my perennial herb garden this year!! I have made most of my salves from purchased herbs in the past....and likely will this year too...but will start the growing from scracth this year as well. So exciting. Some things will take a few years before I can harvest - some will be ready right away.
We also have to develop the real store website. As a way to sell things that we make. So there is that unfinished business too! :-) However, I may be able to sell a few things directly from the blog with PayPal a little sooner for my readers...again...so much to work out. :-)
I hope to bring in products from other farmers and local Amish too. I have a plain woman that makes some clothes for us...I am particualarly found of her flannel pajamas for all ages. I can't wait to share those with everyone! :-)
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